Network Automation with Ansible: A Guide for the Modern SysAdmin

Network Automation with Ansible: A Guide for the Modern SysAdmin


In the realm of network management, efficiency and reliability are paramount. Automation emerges as a crucial strategy to achieve these goals, allowing sysadmins to streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and significantly improve network infrastructure management. Among the plethora of tools available, Ansible stands out for its simplicity, power, and versatility. This article dives into how Ansible can be harnessed for network automation, offering insights into its workings, benefits, and practical examples to get you started.

Introduction to Network Automation

Network automation refers to the process of automating the configuration, management, testing, deployment, and operations of physical and virtual devices within a network. Everyday network tasks and functions are performed automatically. Using various software tools and technologies, network automation makes complex networks manageable and more efficient.

Why Ansible?

Ansible, an open-source tool by Red Hat, is widely recognized for its simplicity and flexibility in automating across IT environments, including networking. Unlike other management tools that rely on agent-based architectures, Ansible uses an agentless architecture, directly interacting with network devices using SSH or APIs. This design choice simplifies the setup and reduces the potential for errors.

Key Features of Ansible for Network Automation

  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: Ansible uses YAML in its playbook configurations, making it relatively easy for sysadmins to define jobs.

  • Agentless Architecture: There's no need to install additional software on the client systems being automated, making it easier to start with network automation.

  • Extensive Module Library: Ansible comes with a vast collection of modules, including numerous network modules that support a wide range of network devices from leading vendors.

Getting Started with Ansible for Network Automation


Ansible can be easily installed on a control machine (which orchestrates the automation) using Python's package manager, pip:

pip install ansible

Basic Configuration

  1. Inventory File: Define your network devices in an inventory file. This file lists all the nodes or devices you want to manage.

     router1 ansible_host=
     router2 ansible_host=
     switch1 ansible_host=
  2. Ansible Configuration File: Customize Ansible's behavior with an ansible.cfg file. For network automation, specify the inventory file and any other global settings.

     inventory = ./inventory
     host_key_checking = False

Writing Your First Playbook

An Ansible playbook is a YAML file where you define what you want to automate. Here's a simple playbook example to gather facts from a router:

- name: Gather router facts
  hosts: routers
  gather_facts: no

  - name: Collect facts from routers
      gather_subset: all

This playbook targets hosts under routers in the inventory, using the ios_facts module to collect facts from devices running Cisco IOS.

Running the Playbook

Execute the playbook with the ansible-playbook command:

ansible-playbook gather_facts.yml

Best Practices for Network Automation with Ansible

  • Modular Design: Break down your automation tasks into reusable roles and playbooks.

  • Version Control: Use version control systems like Git to track changes in your Ansible playbooks and inventory files.

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Integrate Ansible with CI/CD pipelines to automate the testing and deployment of network changes.


Ansible offers a powerful, yet straightforward, solution for network automation, helping sysadmins manage complex networks with greater efficiency and reliability. By automating repetitive tasks, teams can focus on strategic initiatives that add business value, while also ensuring a more secure and compliant network infrastructure. As you delve into network automation with Ansible, remember to leverage its extensive documentation and vibrant community for support and advanced use cases.